
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Some big changes...

There are some big changes going on with us McClellan's! 2 of them I will post about on Sunday, because they are callings and I want to wait until we are sustained before I tell the world. Or the blogging world at least. But I am SO excited about that - tune back in on Sunday for that post!

Next big change - Jake has decided {FINALLY} that he is ready to be done with graveyards. He applied for a spot on day shift in the shipping department last week and we are hoping to have an interview next week. I REALLY hope he gets this job - I have been ready for him to leave graveyard for a really long time, but now that he is ready I want it that much more. I will keep you posted on how that goes!!

And final change - I applied for a new job too! It is still with the Bank of American Fork, because I love the company I work for. It's just at a new branch - the Saratoga Springs Branch to be specific! Right now, my commute is about 16 miles each way and takes around 30 minutes. My new commute would be 4 miles and about 5 minutes. The shift is for a full time spot, so I would be working more but I honestly am SO bored on days that I don't work that I am ready to work more. And make more money. Having 2 full time incomes would be SO nice - and would really help us reach our financial goals that much faster. I don't plan on working once we have mini McClellan's, but we aren't planning on starting to try for another year, so that is at least another year and 9 months I can be working and helping us out financially. Working part time still brings in money, don't get me wrong, but 18 hours and 40 hours a week is a big difference in how much my paychecks are. The schedule would be 9-6 Monday through Friday, working every 3rd Saturday. I don't mind working a Saturday every once in a while - it helps get me up and going for the day. I don't want to work EVERY Saturday, but working once in a while is not too bad. And I will get PTO. That'll be AWESOME! And holiday pay - also AWESOME! And because it is so close to home, I can go home for lunch! AWESOME!!

My interview for the new position is tomorrow - wish me luck because I am NERVOUS!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck girl! You will do awesome! They'd be crazy not to hire you!
