
Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Beary Christmas

I love my job at the Bank of American Fork (specifically the PG branch) for many reasons. The prominent one right now is how involved they are with contributing to the community. Each year we collect teddy bears at all through our "Project Teddy Bear".

All of the branches collect these bears and in the middle of December, they are given to children who need some hope and someone to snuggle on. Some of these kids are taken from their parents due to neglect or violence - right at Christmas time. It just breaks my heart thinking there are kids who are with a stranger for Christmas and have no presents. The bank collects all these teddy bears and gives them to these kids! I was so impressed last year that the bank was doing such a wonderful thing for local families but didn't contribute any bears. I have felt really bad about that and so this year I contributed! My sisters Jeannene and Lauryl rounded up stuffed animals that need a good home and I picked them up Tuesday night - 25 bears!!! 25! I was so excited!

My backseat overflowing with teddy bears
On my way to work Wednesday I bought a few at Wal-Mart so that I was contributing too!

The 4 stuffed animals I bought to contribute
I hope to contribute even more bears next year! I love giving at Christmas time :)

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