
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Good girl!!

Dear Kaycee,

Yesterday I told you that you should kick dad, and you listened! Good girl!! This morning while I was cooking breakfast, dad came up behind me and put his hand on my tummy. You immediately started moving, and my first reaction was to move his hand so that I could figure out where you were kicking, and then put his hand back. I moved his hand away and immediately moved it back and just looked at him. 

I could feel you moving, but sometimes it's harder to feel on the outside. I started saying "she's moving" when dad yelled out {and I mean yelled} "I CAN FEEL IT!!". Absolutely huge smile on his face. It was the cutest thing ever. He mimicked what he was feeling by tapping my shoulder super light. Sure enough, he could feel little kicks. It was like a little kid on Christmas - he looked so happy. 

Good girl for kicking dad - I've been waiting for this to happen. Keep it up, I love feeling you move all day long. 

Sure love you princess. 


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